Can You Spell These Harry Potter Spells? by Harry PotterPosted onSeptember 15, 2020September 15, 2020 Can You Spell These Harry Potter Spells? There are mathletes, quiz bowl champions, and science fair whiz kids, and if you’re anything like us you’ve probably thought about how these types of events would take place in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. Do you think you can spell these Harry Potter spells? Well so have we…except we’re obsessive so it turned into this whole thing about wizard Jeopardy, but there’s no tv, then somebody threw a Pop Tart. Etcetera. Etcetera. Then we finally thought, duh SPELL-ing Bee! Brush off those Nimbuses and polish those wands, it’s time for a test of your magical knows how. This quiz is based solely on your ability to recognize the spelling of these spells from the wizarding world of Harry Potter. Think you’ve got what it takes to accurately point out these spelling errors? It’s one thing to know the incantation, but a truly magical being knows the power is in the words. If ya can’t spell em, how can you expect to recite and cast them? So how about it? If you’re ready, click on through and let’s test your spelling knowledge. Oh, and no crystal balls or spell-checking quills got it? Is there anything amiss with this door opening spell? Yes No Is this the proper spelling of the popular summoning spell? Heck Yeah! Akio textbook! Um no, it’d be Acio Textbook. No, it is and always has been Accio plus an object. No it’s definitely Akeo. What's wrong with this word? Nothing. It’s spelled correctly. It’s missing a letter. One of the letters needs to be replaced. How about this one? Is it spelled correctly? Yup, that checks out. No, it should be Alohamora. This is the rightfully feared Killing Curse. Has it been spelled correctly? Yup, that’s the one. No, it’s missing a vowel. No, it’s missing a consonant. No, one of the vowels needs to be replaced. Is this the proper spelling of the blasting curse? Of course. Call it out and blast away. No. It’s definitely missing a vowel. No, one of the consonants is incorrect. How do you spell the levitation spell made popular by one Hermione Granger? Wingardium Leviosah Wingardium Leviosa Wingardrium Leviosa Wengardeum Leveosa If you're seeking to reveal dark magics, is the spell you would cast? Of course, it is! No way. If you drop the “N” it would be. No. Drop one of the Ls and we’re talking. No…just…no…so many spelling errors. Is this the wind conjuring spell? No it is not. Yes it is. Is this the spell created by the Half-Blood Prince that slices and maims enemies? Yup *cringe* that’s the one. Nope. Misspelled. I don’t know ask Malfoy. No. I mean the spell’s spelled right, but it was invented by Professor Snape. Select the correct spelling of the reviving spell. Renorvate Rennervate Renervate Renorvatte Which of these is the relinquishing spell that causes someone to release their grip on something? Releasio Relashio Relesho Relasheo Is this the proper spelling of the total protection spell? You know it. It is definitely not. Which of these is the proper spelling for the spell that shows the caster the previous spell used by the wand? Priori Incantatus Prior Incantus Priori Incantatem Preori Incantatious Which of these spells turns an ordinary object into a portkey? Portous Porkius Porchous Portus Is this the correct spelling of the petrification spell? Nah. Nice try, but it’s all wrong. Yes, but not so loud, I don’t wanna be turned to stone. Which of these is the forgetfulness charm? Abbliviate Obliviate Obliveate Umblivate Is this correct spelling of the human revealing spell? I mean it kinda looks right, but I’m gonna say no. Uhhh hmmmm yes. After casting lumos, is this the spell you'd cast to extinguish the light? You got it. Nah, there’s an extra letter. Nah it’s missing a letter. Nah this is entirely the wrong spell. Which of these spells is used to duplicate an object? Geminio Geminayo Geminia Gemeneye Which is the correct spelling of the spell invented by the half-blood prince that fills the targets ears with buzzing? Muffeleta Muffliato Muffelaydo Moofalato Is this the correct spelling of the spell used to shatter glass? You know it. Let’s catch some Nifflers. This ain’t it. Is this the spell used to conjure the dark mark? Close but no cigar. Yeah but like why would you need it? Which is the correct spelling of the charm that allows one to plant a secret into another? Fidelous Fiddleous Fidelus Fidelius Which of these spells allows you to conjure light from the tip of your wand? Loomus Lomos Lumos Lewmose Is this the correct of the disarming spell? Nailed it. No it’s missing a vowel. No it’s missing a consonant. Is this the correct spelling of the Jelly Legs curse? Yup yup yup No it’s locomoter wibblee No It’s locomotion wibbly No it’s locomotor wibbly Is this the correct spelling of the patronus conjuring spell? Expectoe? Are we conjuring a foot lol no. This is wrong. Well, obviously. If people studied their spellbooks instead of running off to the room of requirement they’d know the E is from the English wizard that invented the spell. Is this the correct spelling of the spell that allows one to peer into the mind of another? No it’s legilimens. Yup, that’s the one. No it’s ligiliments. No, it’s legalimens. Is this the correct spelling of the spell to vanish a target? No, it’s Evanesco. No, it’s evanescence. No, it’s invanesco. You are correct. Which of these spells is used to create fire? Insendio Encendio Incendio Ensendayo Which of these is the correct spelling of the minor healing charm? Mendeo Curaga Esuna Episkey Is this the correct spelling of the incantation that takes control of another's actions? No it’s Imperio, and it’s unforgivable. Yes and it’s unforgivable! Don’t say it again. Which of these is the correct spelling of the spell used to cut through most anything? Diffindo Defendo Diffinso Defenzo Is the correct spelling of the spell used to slow down or obstruct pursuers? No it is not! You know it! Is this the correct spelling of the torture curse? No, it’s Cruciatus. No, it’s Kruciatus. No, it’s krewciatus. Yes it is, and now you’re going to jail. Ready to send Only True Harry Potter Fans Can Answer These Book vs. Movie Questions How Well Do You Know the Horcruxes in Harry Potter? Can You Match the Names of These Harry Potter Spells to What They Do? Spread the love